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askSam is a free form (i.e. field-less) database that searches web pages, legal transcripts, patents, bibliographic information, emails, research notes, pharmaceutical data and all kinds of unstructured and partially structured data.

You can type information directly into askSam, or you can import information from a wide variety of sources including:

Then I found askSam.  I hope Sam's name is Samantha because I think I love her

Ray Bethke, Executive Design

* During import, use TextPipe Pro to help you reformat data, extract specific information, remove unnecessary data, add field specifiers to help askSam identify fields in unstructured data, search and replace specific text or text patterns, convert between EBCDIC and ASCII and other formats, and a whole range of other text manipulation abilities.

Where does TextPipe fit in?

Normally askSam is able to identify field names from the field contents using characters such as ':' or '['. However, with data formats such as Lexus/Nexus, Dialog and PubMed/MEDLINE, askSam needs some assistance. For example, here is a partial MEDLINE extract:

UI  - 22694146
PMID- 12810475
STAT- completed
DP  - 2003 Jun
TI  - Utility of tonsillectomy in 2 patients with the syndrome of periodic
      fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and cervical adenitis.
PG  - 670-3
AD  - Department of Otolaryngology, Children's Hospital at Montefiore, Albert
      Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.

askSam cannot automatically extract this data. This data can be fixed with TextPipe to:

UI[ 22694146 ]
PMID[ 12810475 ]
STAT[ completed ]
DP[ 2003 Jun ]
TI[ Utility of tonsillectomy in 2 patients with the syndrome of periodic
fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and cervical adenitis. ]
PG[ 670-3 ]
AD[ Department of Otolaryngology, Children's Hospital at Montefiore, Albert
Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA. ]

- which askSam CAN work with. TextPipe is also capable of far more sophisticated changes (the PubMed/MEDLINE filter can be found in C:\Program Files\TextPipe\Integration\Fix Medline Abstracts for askSam.fll, in TextPipe 6.8.1 and later).

TextPipe can help law firms get unstructured Patent information from Dialog and LexisNexis into askSam, help journalists with Computer Aided Journalism (such as the Association of Independent Information Professionals and the Investigative Reporters and Editors), reformat PubMed data, convert data from bibliographical information sources such as Bookwhere.

During the import of text file types, use TextPipe to help you reformat data, extract specific information, remove unnecessary data, add field specifiers to help askSam identify fields in unstructured data, search and replace specific text or text patterns, convert between EBCDIC and ASCII and other formats, and a whole range of other text manipulation abilities.

Click here to see a tutorial

TextPipe Pro works with askSam, and works with files other than just askSam files, as well as having a database filter that is very useful for generating database extracts. Click here to download a trial version, and click here for more information on TextPipe Pro.

For more information, please see the askSam website, or contact us.

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You will need to download both programs to benefit from the combined power of TextPipe Pro and askSam. TextPipe Pro can also be used on its own to extract data from databases, or to manipulate text like websites, program source code, Framemaker files and more. TextPipe can also be used in conjunction with DataPipe to alter text in databases, and with ResumePipe Pro to extract text from emails and attachments.

